Regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.) FVM of the Minister of Agriculture and Regional Policy


on the execution of the Act XXVII of 1998 on Gene Technology Activity on the fields of the agriculture and the food industry



            According to the authorisation given by the paragraphs (3), (6) and (8) of Article 34 of the Act XXVII of 1998 on Gene Technology Activity (hereinafter: the Act) - in agreement with the affected Ministers and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - I decree the followings:



The force of the regulation


Article 1



(1)       The force of the regulation covers:


a)         the modification of natural organisms by gene technology, the closed system usage, the release to the environment, the distribution, as well as the importing to Hungary and the exporting to abroad and the transportation of the genetically modified organisms and the products made from them (hereinafter together: gene technological activity) on the field of the agriculture and the food industry;


b)         the natural entities, the legal entities, and the economic companies without legal entities (hereinafter: companies) performing gene technological activity on the field of the agriculture and the food industry;


(2)       The regulation's force does not covers the below genetic modifying procedures, if there is no use of any genetically modified organisms as recipient or donor organisms during the process:


a)         mutagenesis


b)         cell fusion (including the protoplast fusion)


(3)       In the case of raw foods, processed foods and food raw materials qualified as new food to be applied the prescriptions specified in the Act XC of 1995 on Foods and in the common regulation No 1/1996 (I. 9.) FM-NM-IKM on the execution of the above-mentioned Act of Foods.



Explanatory provisions


Article 2


In the application of this regulation:


a)         emergency: that kind of event, in the course of which or in consequence of which the genetically modified organism or the product made from that means immediate or undoubtedly happening danger to the human health or to the environment;


b)         organism: any biological entity, which is capable to replication or transfer genetic material, excluding the human being;


c)         product made from genetically modified organism: a preparation consisting of, or containing genetically modified organism or a combination of genetically modified organisms, and is placed on the market.



Genetic modification


Article 3


(1)       In the application of this regulation among others especially the followings are qualified as genetic modifications:


a)         recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (hereinafter: DNA) procedures using vector systems;


b)         techniques involving the direct introduction into an organism of heritable material prepared outside the organism including any kind of technical introduction into the cell, especially micro-injection, macro-injection, micro-encapsulation, electroporation and electrofusion;


(2)       In the application of this regulation the following techniques are not considered as genetic modifications:


a)         in-vitro fertilization,


b)         conjugation, transduction, transformation or any other natural process,


c)         polyploidy induction


d)         gynogenesis and androgenesis,


if recombinant DNA molecules or genetically modified organisms are not used during the operation.


Article 4


It is possible to perform gene modification technique only under the conditions specified in this regulation. The material and personal conditions of the performance of genetic modifications are contained in the Annex 1.


Constitution and functioning of the Gene Technology Advisory Committee


Article 5


(1)       The secretary duties of the Gene Technology Advisory Committee (hereinafter: Gene Technology Committee) are managed by the National Agricultural Qualification Institute (hereinafter: OMMI).


(2)       The dates of the Gene Technology Committee's sessions must be determined so that let the permanent report on the applications for gene technological activity (hereinafter: application) be guaranteed.


(3)       Fee is due for the president and the members of the Gene Technology Committee. The level of the fee and the frequency of its payment are determined by the Minister of Agriculture and Regional Policy (hereinafter: Minister). The fee is paid from the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Policy (hereinafter: Ministry).


(4)       The rules concerning the constitution and functioning of the Gene Technology Committee are contained in Annex 2.


Competent authorities


Article 6


(1)       On the fields of agriculture and food industry the permissions specified in the Article 3 paragraph (1) of the act are issued in the official jurisdiction of the first degree by the departments of the Ministry responsible for agriculture, plant animal health and food industry (hereinafter: agricultural gene technology authority).


(2)       The agricultural gene technology authority permits according to the opinion of the Gene Technology Committee


a)         the establishment of a laboratory performing genetic modifications if the genetically modified organism is used for plant growing, animal breeding, plant protection, food processing or feed production purpose;


b)         the genetic modification of a natural organism in the cases of plants, plant protection products, seeds and plant reproduction materials, as well as micro-organisms, animals and animal reproduction materials, respectively feeds, feed raw materials, feed supplements and feed additives, except the experimental modification;


c)         the usage in closed system, the release or circulation of genetically modified organisms and products made from them - according to the special acts relevant to the given product type - in the cases of plants, plant protection products, seeds and plant reproduction materials, as well as micro-organisms, animals and animal reproduction materials, respectively feeds, feed raw materials, feed supplements and feed additives, except the experimental closed system usage;


d)         the importing and exporting of genetically modified organisms and products made from them in the cases of plants, plant protection products, seeds and plant reproduction materials, as well as micro-organisms, animals and animal reproduction materials, respectively feeds, feed raw materials, feed supplements and feed additives, except the experimental import and export.


(3)       The authorities supervised by the Minister of Environmental Protection (hereinafter: environmental- and nature protection authority) and the authorities supervised by the Minister of Health are participating in the issuing of permissions as professional authorities.


Article 7


(1)       The application should be submitted in three copies by the natural entity, legal entity or economic companies without legal entity


a)         establishing gene technology laboratory,


b)         modifying natural organisms by gene technology,


c)         using the genetically modified organisms and the products made from them in closed system,


d)         releasing genetically modified organisms and products made from them into the free environment,


e)         - regarding as stated in Article 11 paragraph (4) - placing on the market genetically modified organisms and products made from them,


f)          importing genetically modified organisms and products made from them,


g)         exporting genetically modified organisms and products made from them


to the agricultural gene technology authority, which sends it to the Gene Technology Committee for expressing an opinion on it.


(2)       The documentation specified in the Annexes 3 and 4 should be enclosed to the application, and also should be submitted in six copies to the agricultural gene technology authority.



(3)       The agricultural gene technology authority and the Gene Technology Committee are obligatory to manage the data coming to its knowledge from the application and the enclosed documentation as an official secret. This direction remains valid if the user withdraws his submitted application.


(4)       The agricultural gene technology authority controls the content of the documentation enclosed to the application by an official laboratory if it is necessary.


Gene technology licensing fee


Article 8


The fees to be paid for the licensing of gene technology activity are determined by a special Act.


Testing obligation


Article 9


(1)       In case of importing the importer declares to the agricultural gene technology authority thereof, whether the consignment contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that.  The importer must enclose to the declaration the certification of the examiner centre specified in Annex 5.


(2)       The examiner centre finds by instrumental analysis, whether the provided sample contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that or in which proportion it contains of these.


(3)       The import licence specified in the Article 6 paragraph (2) point d) (hereinafter: import licence) deliverable only in case of the presence of the examiner centre certificate.


(4)       Should be attached to the import licence application - after the application purpose of the import object - the requested data in case of the different gene technology activities as it is specified in the Annex 3 and 4.


(5)       In case of importing breeding animals, plant- or animal reproduction material, the import licence does not substitute the execution of the prescriptions specified in the special Act.


Genetic protective zone


Article 10


(1)       The agricultural gene technology authority - on the grounds of the suggestion of the Gene Technology Committee respectively the environmental- and nature protection authority or as needed - can order the establishment of genetic protective zone. The establishment conditions of the genetic protective zone must be determined in the gene technology permission according to the expertise of the environmental- and nature protection authority.


(2)       At examining the necessity of the establishment of the genetic protective zone - beside others – should be considered the flowering-biological features of the genetically modified and the affected plant species, the environmental and climate relations, the other features of the genetically modified and the affected plant species and environmental- and nature protection considerations.


Release, placing on the market


Article 11


(1)       It is possible to submit the application for the breed registration procedure of the genetically modified animal breeds and the application for the state registration procedure of the genetically modified plant lines only after the receipt of the release permission specified in the Article 11 of the Act. Should be enclosed to this application the release permission provided by the agricultural gene technology authority.


(2)       The agricultural gene technology authority orders in the release permission the conditions of the release - especially in case of the conditions of the breed examination and the breed testing. In these conditions determines - beside others - the possible dimension of the release, the place and the number of the places of the breed examination or the breed testing, the isolation distance, the size of the genetic protective zone as well as limited area use, pollen control, waste material management and the subsequent observation of the area as needed.


(3)       In case of genetically modified animal breeds or plant lines the marketing permission - specified in the Article 11 of the Act - is necessary for the placing on the market. The application for this marketing licence can be submitted to the agricultural gene technology authority only after completing the breed registration or the state registration. Should be enclosed to the application the decision thereof the breed registration or the state registration had been taken place.


(4)       The permission issued on placing on the market the genetically modified animal breed or plant line is also valid for placing on the market the products made from the registered animal breed or plant line as it is specified in this permission


(5)       The agricultural gene technology authority - on the grounds of the suggestion of the Gene Technology Committee or as needed - determines in the marketing permission the maximal sowing area percentage of the registered genetically modified plant line from the total domestic sowing area of the traditional plant line, or the maximal stock percentage of the registered genetically modified animal breed from the total domestic stock of the traditional animal breed.


Registration of animal breeds


Article 12


(1)       Should be applied the prescriptions of the special Act on Animal Breeding and the order of the breed registration together with the prescription of the paragraph (2) during the breed registration process.


(2)       The OMMI executes the examinations necessary for the breed registration using the method approved by the National Agricultural Breed Qualification Council, according to the suggestion of the Gene Technology Committee and the prescriptions determined by the agricultural gene technology authority.


Registration of plant lines


Article 13


(1)       Should be applied the prescriptions of the special Act on State Registration of Plant Lines and the production and placing on the market seeds and vegetative reproduction materials together with the prescription of the paragraph (2) during the state registration process.


(2)       The OMMI executes the examinations necessary for the state registration using the method approved by the National Agricultural Breed Qualification Council, according to the suggestion of the Gene Technology Committee and the prescriptions determined by the agricultural gene technology authority.


Special commodity production licence


Article 14


(1)       It is possible to perform manufacturing products which origins from genetically modified animal organism in closed system for the purpose of agricultural commodity production (hereinafter: special product manufacturing) with the special commodity production licence, without licensing the genetically modified animal breed.


(2)       It is possible to issue special commodity production licence for the production of live animal and product of animal origin in closed system only if the genetically modified animal or its reproductive material is not used in the common breeding, there is no use of this for propagation and no breeding animal production.


(3)       Should be withdrawn the special commodity production licence if in the case of the live animal or the product of animal origin the genetically modified animal or its reproduction material gets into common breeding, propagation or breeding animal production happens.


(4)       The agricultural gene technology authority determines the conditions of the special commodity production in the special commodity production licence and controls the keeping of these conditions on the scene.


(5)       The agricultural gene technology authority keeps records of the special commodity production licences.


Marking the product


Article 15


(1)       The manufacturer or the distributor - with the exception of which specified in the Article 16 - is required to indicate on the packaging of the product consisting of genetically modified organism or containing of this kind of organism completely or partly and also on the quality certification documents, that the product is containing genetically modified organism. Should be indicated on the mark the type of the genetically modified organism.


(2)       If the product made from genetically modified organism, but it does not contain genetically modified organism, the manufacturer or the distributor - with the exception of which specified in the Article 16 - is obliged to indicate on the packaging of the product and also on the quality certification documents the fact of the genetic modification. Should be indicated on the mark that which type of the genetically modified organism was used for the production.


(3)       Should be used the mark specified in the paragraph (1) if only protein or DNA of genetic modification origin is present.


(4)       The manufacturer, the distributor is required to provide the necessary information on the mark for the use of product and to notify the danger of the use different from the included instructions.


(5)       The manufacturer, the distributor is required to provide information on the packaging of the product and also on the quality certification documents about that the product, or the use of it could mean risk to the health or to the environment. Should be unambiguously indicated on the mark the type of the risk - especially the allergic effects, and the effects concerning the digestibility and feeding which origins from the composition.


(6)       The mark must be well visible, clear, unambiguous and true. Should be used on the mark the text and figure specified in the Annex 6.


(7)       In case of genetically modified animal - especially at a registered animal – should be indicated - with a distinctive note - on the certificate of origin and in the breeding registers the fact of the genetic modification so that let the register be suitable for the determination of the whole circle of the individuals containing the determined gene.


Article 16


(1)       For marking a new food should be used only the prescriptions specified in the Act XC of 1995 and in the common regulation No 1/1996 (I. 9.) FM-NM-IKM on the execution of the above-mentioned Act.


(2)       For marking the feeds, feed raw materials, feed supplements and feed additives should be used only the prescriptions specified in the Act XCII 1995 on Production and Marketing Feeds and in the regulation No 25/1996. (IX. 4.) FM on the execution of the above-mentioned Act.




Article 17


            The agricultural gene technology authority make decision on the transportability of the genetically modified organisms and the products made from them and on the conditions of the transportability according to the data specified in Annex 7. The applicant or the authorized entity of the permission submits the data.


Gene technology register


Article 18


(1)       The Agricultural Biotechnology Center (hereinafter: registering institution) keeps the records of the genetic modifications used in plant growing, in plant protection, in animal breeding, in food processing, in feed production, in industry and in any other use, the data concerning the use in closed systems, the release and the placing on the market of the genetically modified organisms and the products made from them and the list of the laboratories performing genetic modifications and the responsible leaders of these laboratories.


(2)       The registering institution keeps records of only those data, which was provided for the institution by the agricultural gene technology authority as it is specified in the paragraph (4). The data provided for keeping records of them cannot contain that kind of information, that the acquaintance of which by a third party breaks the business interest or the rights of the user, related to any patent or breed registration.


(3)       The data provided for keeping records of them neither can contain that kind of information which is asked by the user from the Gene Technology Committee or the agricultural gene technology authority to handle as a secret, supposing that these information is not belonging to the information specified in the paragraph (4).


(4)       The registry institution keeps the records of the below data:


a)         description of the genetically modified organism;


b)         name (company name) of the user submitting the application;


c)         purpose and the geographical site of the gene technological activity;


d)         methods and plans to be used in case of emergency, which suitable for controlling and following of the genetically modified organisms;


e)         Assessment of the impact study and impact estimation surveying the predictable effects - especially the pathogenity and the ecological damage - of the gene technological activity.


(5)       It is prohibited to keep records of the data contained in the application and the enclosed documentation withdrawn by the user.


(6)       The registry institution performs the data management and the data supply in separated organizational unit according to the prescriptions of the Act on the protection of the personal data and the publicity of the data of public interest.


(7)       The registry institution supplies data in printed form in return for paying the fee determined in Annex 8.


(8)       The data supply is free of charge if it is performed through computing-telecommunication system.


Article 19


            This regulation is coming into force on the day of its issue, but it is obligatory to apply the prescriptions of the regulation's Article 15 concerning the product's marking only after the 1st of July 1999.




Altering acts


Article 20


(1)       Simultaneously with the coming into force of this regulation the Article 5 paragraph (3) of the regulation No 31/1994. (VI. 28.) on the order of the breed registration is completed with the below f) paragraph, and simultaneously the letter signs of the f)-j) paragraphs are changing to g)-k) paragraphs:


(The announcement must contain)


"f)        that, whether the species or the breed is modified by gene technology, or whether it contains genetically modified organism;"


(2)       Simultaneously with the coming into force of this regulation the Act XCII of 1995 on Production and Marketing Feeds and in the regulation No 25/1996 (IX. 4.) FM on the execution of the above-mentioned Act is changing according to the followings


a) in Annex 9 the "food health quarantine period" is substituted by


            "nutritional health quarantine period:"


            b) Annex 9 is completed with the below text:


            (Quality control period)


            "Genetically modified organism or the product made from that


            -          Name:

            -          Stirring proportion:

            -           the certification of the examiner centre or the number of the permission issued by the agricultural gene technology authority:

-          suggestion on the proper use of the feed:


c) Annex 12 is completed following the first French paragraph with the below French paragraph:


"- the declaration thereof whether the feed contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that (enclosed the certification of the examiner centre on the genetically modified organism or the product made from that, or the permission of the agricultural gene technology authority)"


d) in Annex 13 the paragraph 2 is substituted by:


"2. Its composition [proportion of agents, whether it contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that (enclosed the certification of the examiner centre on the genetically modified organism or the product made from that, or the permission of the agricultural gene technology authority)]:"


e) Annex 14 is completed following the first French paragraph with the below French paragraph:


"- the declaration thereof whether the feed contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that (enclosed the certification of the examiner centre on the genetically modified organism or the product made from that, or the permission of the agricultural gene technology authority)"


f) Annex 15 is completed after the first French paragraph which follows the "should be attached to the application" text, with the below French paragraph:


"- the declaration thereof whether the feed contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that (enclosed the certification of the examiner centre on the genetically modified organism or the product made from that, or the permission of the agricultural gene technology authority)"


g) Annex 16 is completed after the first French paragraph which follows the "should be attached to the application" text, with the below French paragraph:


"- the declaration thereof whether the feed contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that (enclosed the certification of the examiner centre on the genetically modified organism or the product made from that, or the permission of the agricultural gene technology authority)"


h) Annex 17 is completed after the first French paragraph with the below French paragraph:


"- the declaration thereof whether the feed contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that (enclosed the certification of the examiner centre on the genetically modified organism or the product made from that, or the permission of the agricultural gene technology authority)"


i) point 1.4. of Annex 18 is substituted by the below direction:


"1.4. Genetic stability, description of genetic modifications compared to the international nomenclature index."


j) Annex 18 is completed with the below direction:


"1.9. whether the product contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that (enclosed the certification of the examiner centre on the genetically modified organism or the product made from that, or the permission of the agricultural gene technology authority)"


k) 1.2. point of Annex 19 is substituted by the following direction:


"1.2. Active agent content, composition [whether it contains genetically modified organism or a product made from that (enclosed the certification of the examiner centre on the genetically modified organism or the product made from that, or the permission of the agricultural gene technology authority)]."


Harmonisation with the Acts of the European Communities


Article 21


            This regulation - in harmony with the relevant directions of the European Agreement signed in Brussels on the 16 December 1991 and published with the Act I of 1994 on Establishment the Association between the Hungarian Republic and the European Communities as well as their Member States - is containing a regulation compatible with the below acts of the European Communities:


a)         the directive No 90/219/EGK of the Council on the use of the genetically modified micro-organisms in closed systems, and


b)         the directive No 90/220/EGK - completed with the decision No 92/146/EGK of the Committee and modified with the directive No 94/15/EK and the decision No 94/211/EK of the Committee - on the release of the genetically modified organisms into the free environment.



Dr. József Torgyán m.p.

Minister of Agriculture and Regional Policy

Annex 1

of the FVM regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.)


Conditions necessary for performing genetic modification


1.         Material conditions


Existence of such technical equipment, which provide the defence of the employee’s health, and in addition prevents the escape of the genetically modified organism from the site of the gene technology technique.


2.         Personal conditions


a)         Special university graduation in case of the persons performing and participating in relation to the genetic modification.


b)         In case of the project leader directing the genetic modification besides the provision specified in paragraph a) the further requirement is at least three years special practice.


Annex 2

of the FVM regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.)


The constitutional and functional order of the Gene Technology Committee


1.         Each of the members of the Gene Technology Committee has one vote at every decision. The Gene Technology Committee makes its decisions on closed sessions (i.e. exclusively with the presence of the members entitled for voting) with simple majority (i.e. with the votes of the fifty percent of the members + one member; in case of the presence of the whole committee it means nine votes), excluding the decisions on the applications concerning the placing on the market and the importing of genetically modified organisms or the products made of them, which decisions are made with qualified majority (i.e. with the votes of the two-third part of the members; in case of the presence of the whole committee it means eleven votes. All the present members are obliged for voting. The voting is invalid if at least the two-third part of the members is not present.


2.         The Gene Technology Committee is obligatory excludes that member, which is missing the participation in the decision process at least for six months. The president and the secretary sign the decision on the exclusion, and three members countersigns it.


3.         The institution or person specified in the Article 5 paragraph (2) of the Act chooses or delegates a new member instead of the excluded member as its representative into the Gene Technology Committee in 15 days on the receipt of the notice on the exclusion. This direction should be used if the member resigns or dies.


4.         The president chairs the sessions of the Gene Technology Committee, in case of his prevention the secretary chairs the session.


5.         Under his duties the president:


a)         co-ordinates the work of the Gene Technology Committee;


b)         determines the agenda, the date and the site of the Gene Technology Committee sessions;


c)         calls together for a session the Gene Technology Committee if needed or for the written request of at least eight members;


d)         invites the representative of the user's professional business federation to the sessions;


e)         orders voting during the sessions;


f)          represents the viewpoint of the Gene Technology Committee outside its sessions.


6.         Under his duties the secretary:


a)         performs the president's jobs if the president is being prevented;


b)         on the sessions submits the applications for permission (hereinafter: application) and the documents necessary for the work of the Gene Technology Committee, or sends these to the members before the decision process providing the necessary period for expressing an opinion;


c)         at least fourteen days prior to the sessions informs the members about the agenda, the date and the site of the sessions;


d)         takes the minutes of the sessions, and provides it for the members if it is required, or provides the copy of that;


e)         controls the authenticity of the written votes and takes care on the secrecy of the votes given by this way until the statement of the result of the voting;


f)          settles the result of the voting;


g)         provides the conditions for the work of the Gene Technology Committee;


h)         informs the gene technology authority about the viewpoint of the Gene Technology Committee concerning the application.


7.         Under his duties the member:


a)         expresses his opinion, takes a stand, puts forward a proposal, participates in the elaboration of the viewpoint of the Gene Technology Committee;


b)         expresses his opinion by voting;


c)         suggests to the Gene Technology Committee about asking the opinion of external expert, if it is necessary for the elaboration of the viewpoint concerning the application.


8.         The Gene Technology Committee determines the constitutional and functional orders not controlled in this Annex according to the rules specified in the paragraph 1.


Annex 3

of the FVM regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.)


Information to be submitted together with the application on the gene technological modification or on the usage in closed system together




1.         General information


1.1       Did the user previously get permission for the same gene technology activity?

            1.1.1. In which country?

            1.1.2. When?

            1.1.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:


1.2.      Did it occur previously that the application concerning the same gene technology activity was refused or the issued permission was withdrawn?

            1.2.1. In which country?

            1.2.2. When?

            1.2.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:


            Characteristics of the genetically modified micro-organisms in the closed system of Category 1.


a)         The recipient or parental micro-organism

            -          is non-pathogenic,

            -          will not become pathogenic;

            -          has detailed examination, demonstrating experiment on the safe use;

            -           is carrying built-in biological barriers, which, without interfering with optimal growth in the reactor or fermentor, confer limited survivability and replicability, without adverse consequences in the environment.


b)         The vector/insert

            -           is well characterized and free from known harmful sequences;

            -           is poorly mobilizable after the modification;

            -           is limited in size as much as possible to the genetic sequences required to perform the intended function;

            -           do not increase the stability of the construct in the environment (unless that is the required function)

            -           do not transfer any resistance by the modification (if such insertion could compromise the effectiveness of the use of the drugs controlling disease agents).


c)         The genetically modified micro-organism

            -           is non-pathogenic

            -           as safe in the reactor or fermentor as the recipient or the parental micro-organism;

            -           has no adverse consequences in the environment because of its limited survivability and replicability.


d)         Other genetically modified micro-organisms could be included in Category 1. if they suit the requirements specified in paragraph c) above

            -           those constructed entirely from a single prokaryotic recipient (including its indigenous plasmids and phages) or from a single eukaryotic recipient (including its mitochondria, plasmids, but excluding its viruses);

            -           those that consist entirely of genetic sequences from different species, which sequences are exchanging by known physiological processes.


2.         Safety assessment parameters


            2.1. Characteristics of the donor, the recipient and the parental micro-organism

            2.1.1. Names and designation:

            2.1.2. Degree of relatedness:

            2.1.3. Source of the organism:

            2.1.4. Description of the reproductive cycle (sexual, asexual) of the parental or the recipient micro-organism:

            2.1.5. History of prior genetic manipulations:

            2.1.6. Stability of parental or recipient organism in terms of relevant genetic traits:

            2.1.7. Nature of pathogenity and virulence, infectivity, toxicity and vectors of disease transmission:

            2.1.8. Nature of the indigenous vectors: sequence, frequency of mobilization, specificity, presence of resistance genes:

            2.1.9. Host range:

            2.1.10. Other potentially significant physiological traits and the stability of these traits:

            2.1.11. Natural habitat and geographic distribution, climatic characteristics of the original habitats:

            2.1.12. Significant involvement in environmental processes (such as nitrogen fixation or pH regulation):

            2.1.13. Interaction with, and effects on, other organisms in the environment (including the antagonism, the competition and the symbiosis):

            2.1.14. Ability to form survival structures (such as spores or sclerotia)


            2.2. Characteristics of the genetically modified micro-organism

            2.2.1. Description of the modification including the method for introducing the vector/insert into the recipient organism or the method used for achieving the genetic modification involved:

            2.2.2. Function of the genetic manipulation and/or of the new nucleic acid:

            2.2.3. Nature and source of the vector:

            2.2.4. Structure and amount of any vector and/or donor nucleic acid remaining in the final construction of the modified micro-organism:

            2.2.5. Stability of the micro-organism in terms of genetic traits:

            2.2.6. Frequency of mobilization of the inserted vector and the genetic transfer capability:

            2.2.7. Rate and level of expression of the new genetic material, method and sensitivity of the measurement:

            2.2.8. Activity of the expressed protein:


            2.3. Health considerations

            2.3.1. Toxic or allergic effects of the non-viable organisms and/or of their metabolic products:

            2.3.2. Hazards of the product:

            2.3.3. Comparison of the modified micro-organism to the donor, recipient or the parental organism regarding pathogenity:

            2.3.4. Capacity for colonization:

            2.3.5. Tests to be performed in bacteriological/virological model system, if the micro-organism is pathogenic to humans (immunocompetents):

   Diseases caused and mechanism of pathogenity including invasiveness and virulency:


   Infective dose:

   Host range, possibility of alteration:

   Possibility of survival outside of human host:

   Presence of vectors or means of dissemination:

   Biological stability:

   Antibiotic-resistance patterns:

   Allergic trait:

   Availability of appropriate therapies:

            2.3.6. Tests to be performed in bacteriological/virological model system, if the micro-organism is non-pathogenic to humans (assessment of the opportunist infections):


            2.4. Environmental considerations

            2.4.1. Factors affecting survival, multiplication and dissemination of the modified micro-organism in the environment:

            2.4.2. Available techniques for detection, identification and monitoring of the modified micro-organism:

            2.4.3. Available techniques for detecting transfer of the new genetic material to other organisms:

            2.4.4. Known and predicted habitats of the modified micro-organism:

            2.4.5. Description of ecosystems to which the micro-organism could be accidentally spread:

            2.4.6. Anticipated mechanism and result of interaction between the modified micro-organism and the organisms or micro-organisms which might be exposed in case of release into the environment:

            2.4.7. Known or predicted effects on plants and animals such as pathogenity, infectivity, toxicity, virulence, vector of pathogen, allergic trait, colonization:

            2.4.8. Known or predicted participation in biogeochemical processes:

2.4.9. Availability of methods for decontamination of the area in case of release to the environment:

2.4.10. Predictable changes in the micro-organism in case of release to the environment and determination its hazards:


Characteristics of the genetically modified micro-organisms in the closed system of Category 2.


            During the use of micro-organisms in the closed system of Category 2. the safety conditions must be determined according to the character of the used micro-organism and method so that these conditions could ensure the success of the health and environmental requirements.

            The character of the certain methods determines the conditions to be applied. The suitable method, the factory and the operational process should be chosen according to it. Two important factors should be considered following the breakdown of the factory equipment: the risk and the consequences.


            The characteristics of the closed system of Category 2.:


a)         Viable micro-organisms should be reared in a system, which physically separates the process from the environment.

b)         Gases exhausted should be treated so as to minimize or prevent the releasing from the closed system.

c)         Sample collection, addition of materials to a closed system and transfer of viable micro-organisms to another closed systems, should be performed so as to minimize or prevent release from the closed system.

d)         Bulk culture fluids are not allowed to remove from the closed system unless the viable micro-organisms have been inactivated by validated chemical or physical means.

e)         Seals should be designed so as to minimize or prevent release.

f)          Closed systems should be located within a controlled area:

            fa)        biohazard signs should be posted on the closed area;

            fb)        access should be restricted to nominated personnel only;

            fc)        personnel should wear protective clothing, which should be completely changed if it is expended and the pollution attached to the clothes should be decontaminated;

            fd)        decontamination and washing facilities should be provided for personnel;

            fe)        personnel should shower before leaving the controlled area;

            ff)         effluent from the sinks and showers should be collected and inactivated before release;

            fg)        the controlled area should be adequately ventilated to minimize air contamination;

            fh)        the controlled area should be maintained at an air pressure negative to atmosphere;

            fi)         input air and extract air to the controlled area should be HEPA filtered;

            fj          )the controlled area should be designed to contain spillage of the entire contents of the closed system;

            fk)        the controlled area should be sealable to permit fumigation.



g)         The expended material should be decontaminated, inactivated by validated chemical or physical means before the final release.

h)         Should be prevented the release of genetically modified organisms able to reproduce from the closed system.


3)         Other information to be submitted


            3.1) Name of person responsible for carrying out the closed system usage including the persons responsible for supervision, monitoring and safety, and information on their training and qualifications;

            3.2) The activity, in which the micro-organism is used:

            3.3) The maximum number of persons working in the installation and the number of the persons working directly with the micro-organism:

            3.4) Address of the site of the closed system, description of the sections of the installation:

            3.5) Description of the nature of work which will be undertaken, and in particular the classification of the micro-organisms to be used and the likely scale of the operation:

            3.6) A summary of the risk assessment (summary of the environmental and biological risk assessment):

            3.7) The used parental micro-organism, or the host-vector system desired to use:

            3.8) The source and the intended function of the genetic material involved in the manipulation:

            3.9) The identification and the characteristics of the genetically modified micro-organism, the purpose of the planned application and the expected result:

            3.10) The used culture volumes:

            3.11) The used technology:

            3.12) Description of predominant meteorological conditions, and specific hazards arising from the location of the installation:

            3.13) The protective and supervisory measures to be used during the closed system use:

            3.14) Description of sources of hazards and conditions under which accidents might occur:

            3.15) The equipment of prevention, such as safety equipment, alarm systems, isolation methods and the available resources for these:

            3.16) Description of the information provided to workers:

            3.17) The information necessary for the competent authority to enable them to establish the necessary emergency response plan to be used outside the installation:

            3.18) The comprehensive assessment of the risks to human health and environment arising from the planned closed system usage:

            3.19) The stated containment category, simultaneously determined the waste management method and the security measurements necessary for this:

            3.20) The names, types, quantities and potential hazards of wastes arising from the use of the micro-organism:

            3.21) The used waste management techniques, including the inactivation of the wastes and the possible utilisation of them:

            3.22) The ultimate form and the destination of the inactivated wastes:

            3.23) Behaviour and characteristics of the micro-organism in case of the change of containment category or the releasing to the environment:

            3.24) Overview of the potential hazards associated with the release of the micro-organism to the environment:

            3.25) The description of the substances other than the intended product, which are produced, originated or formed in the course of the use of the micro-organism:

            3.26) The type of the intended product:

            3.27) Summary of the environmental and biological impact assessment:


4.         Plans worked out for emergency


Note: If it is technically impossible to produce the information to be submitted together with the application, the applicant should be described its detailed reasons.






1.         General information


            1.1. Did the user previously get permission for the same gene technology activity?

            1.1.1. In which country?

            1.1.2. When?

            1.1.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:

            1.2. Did it occur previously that the application concerning the same gene technology activity was refused or the issued permission was withdrawn?

            1.2.1. In which country?

            1.2.2. When?

            1.2.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:


2.         Methods used during the genetic modification


3.         Characteristics of the vector


            3.1. Nature and source of the vector:

            3.2. Description of the vector construction:

            3.3. Genetic map and/or restriction map of the vector:

            3.4. Sequence data:

            3.5. Information on the degree to which the vector contains sequences whose product or function is not known:

            3.6. Genetic transfer capabilities of the vector:

            3.7. Frequency of the mobilization of the vector:

            3.8. Part of the vector that remains in the genetically modified organism:


4.         Information on the insert


            4.1. Methods used to construct the insert:

            4.2. Restriction sites:

            4.3. Sequence of the insert:

            4.4. Origin and function of each constituent part of the insert in the genetically modified organism:

            4.5. Information on the degree to which the insert is limited to the required function:

            4.6. Location of the insert in the genetically modified organism:


5.         Information on the organism from which the insert is derived (donor)


            5.1. Scientific and other names:

            5.2.1. Pathogenic characteristics of the donor organism:

            5.2.2. Other harmful characteristics of the organism whether living or dead (including its extracellular products):

            5.3. If the donor has any pathogenic or harmful characteristic, indicate whether the donated sequences are in any way involved in them:

            5.4. Classification of the donor according to the existing Community rules relating to the protection of human health and the environment:

            5.5. Potential for exchange of natural genetic material between the donor and recipient organism:


6.         The characteristics of the genetically modified organism


(Information relating to the recipient or parental organisms from which the genetically modified organism is derived.)


            6.1. Scientific name and other names

            6.1.1. Whole name:

            6.1.2. Family name:

            6.1.3. Genus:

            6.1.4. Species:

            6.1.5. Subspecies:

            6.1.6. Cultivar:

            6.1.7. Common name:

            6.2. Phenotypic and genetic traits:

            6.3. Geographical distribution and natural habitat:

            6.4. Genetic stability of the organism and factors affecting it:

            6.5. Potential for genetic transfer and exchange with other organisms:

            6.6. Information concerning reproduction and factors affecting it:

            6.7. Information on survival and factors affecting it:

            6.8. Possibilities of its expansion and the factors affecting them:

            6.9. Interactions with the environment:

            6.10.1. Detection techniques:

            6.10.2. Identification techniques:

            6.11. Classification under existing Community rules concerning the protection of human health and the environment:

            6.12.1. Pathogenity characteristics:

            6.12.2. Other harmful characteristics of the organism whether living or dead, including its extracellular products:

            6.13. Nature and description of known extrachromosomal genetic elements:

            6.14. History of previous genetic modifications:





7.         Interactions between the environment and the genetically modified organism


            7.1. Expansion, survival and reproduction of the genetically modified organism in the environment:

            7.2. Interactions between the environment and the genetically modified organism:

            7.3. Effect of the genetically modified organism to the environment:


Note: If it is technically impossible to produce the information to be submitted together with the application, the applicant should be described its detailed reasons.



(FARM ANIMALS AND breeding animals)


1.         General information


            1.1. Name, address, type of organization of the applicant:

            1.2. Names, graduation, practice period of the scientists responsible for the release:

            1.3. The title of the project:

            1.4. Did the user previously get permission for the same gene technology activity?

            1.4.1. In which country?

            1.4.2. When?

            1.4.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:

            1.5. Did it occur previously that the application concerning the same gene technology activity was refused or the issued permission was withdrawn?

            1.5.1. In which country?

            1.5.2. When?

            1.5.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:


2.         Information relating to the recipient or (where necessary) parental organism


            2.1.1. Species:

            2.1.2. Name of the breed:

            2.2. Further information to be submitted in case of pedigree animals:

            2.2.1. Female

   Number of the stock-farm:

   Sexual condition (virgin, after giving birth):

   Place of origin:

   Place of residence:

   Individual identification No:

            2.2.2. Male

   Breeding permission:

   Place of residence:

   Individual identification No (Kpl. Number):

   Type of the participation in the reproduction (e.g. natural or artificial getting of sperm, IVF, ICSI):


3.         Marking the animals


            All the genetically modified animals and the other animals involved in the experiment (e.g. the animals, in which the gene transfer was unsuccessful or did not provide the required result) should have clear, well detectable and registered identification number. Description of the method and system of the marking.


4.         Documentation of experiments


            The clear, well followable and registered documentation on the experimental methods during the breeding, and on the creation, transportation, release from the closed system of the lines, and the method of the waste (carcass) treatment.

            The experimentally worthless animals are forbidden to use any further as breeding animals or for food processing.


5.         Methods used during the genetic modification


6.         Characteristics of the vector


            6.1. Nature and source of the vector:

            6.2. Description of the vector construction:

            6.3. Genetic map and/or restriction map of the vector:

            6.4. Sequence data:

            6.5. Information on the degree to which the vector contains sequences whose product or function is not known:

            6.6. Genetic transfer capabilities of the vector:

            6.7. Frequency of the mobilization of the vector:

            6.8. Part of the vector that remains in the genetically modified organism:

7.         Information on the insert


            7.1. Methods used to construct the insert:

            7.2. Restriction sites:

            7.3. Sequence of the insert:

            7.4. Origin and function of each constituent part of the insert in the genetically modified organism:

            7.5. Information on the degree to which the insert is limited to the required function:

            7.6. Location of the insert in the genetically modified organism:


8.         The characteristics of the genetically modified organism

            (Information on the genetically modified organism of final structure.)


            8.1. Description of genetic traits or phenotypic characteristics and in particular any new traits and characteristics which may be expressed or no longer expressed.

            8.2. Structure and quantity of any vector and/or donor nucleic acid remaining in the genetically modified organism of final structure.

            8.3. The stability of the organism in terms of the genetic characteristics.

            8.4. Proportion and level of the appearance of the new genetic material, the method of its measurement and the sensitivity of the measurement.

            8.5. The activity of the appearing proteins.

            8.6. The description of the identification and detection methods is including the methods of the identification and detection of the inserted part and vector.

            8.7. The sensitivity reliability (with quantitative measurement) and specificity of the identification and detection methods.

            8.8. Information on the former use and release of the genetically modified organism.


9.         Other information to be submitted


            9.1. Information on the keeping of prescriptions concerning the protection of animals. (All kind of genetic modification is forbidden, which causes long-lasting pain to the animal or it is proven that harmful to the health.)

            9.2. Information on the circumstances of the release of genetically modified animals into the environment:

            9.2.1. Solution of the questions related to the physical or etologic changes of the genetically modified animal (e.g. in case of animals of improved growth capacity the avoiding of the overgrazing should be solved, or the deposition of the improved quantity of excreta).

            9.2.2. The probable consequences of the accidental escape of the animal, the possibility of the transmission of the genetically modified gene to other farmed or wild (especially protected wild) animal species, or the probable consequences of the transmission.


10.       Information concerning the genetically modified farm animals and breeding animals in the Category 1. of the closed system


            10.1. Content of the information concerning the rearing genetically modified farm animals

            10.1.1. Only animal tenders of qualified and well informed about the specific requirements of the gene technological experiments are employable in the animal house. The documentation of the qualification of the veterinary surgeon making keep and supervising the animal health guidelines and the animal tenders.

            10.1.2. Information concerning the animal house.

   of the cleaning and aeration of the animal rearing rooms.

   Information concerning the autoclave necessary for the sterilization installed into the same settlement together with the animal house.

   of the equipment used for the sterilization of cages and boxes and the destruction of wastes.

   Safety equipment and prescriptions.

   Description of the equipment preventing the escape of genetically modified animals and the equipment serving for the indication of the escape.

   In case of outdoor rearing double fence system and permanent supervision is required, its documentation.

   Description of the safety prescriptions concerning the keeping out unauthorized persons.

   Description of the protective clothing of the animal tenders and other personnel participating in the experiments and the notification method of the accidents occurring during the contact with the animals.

   In case of animal individuals which are not distinguishable according to their phenotypic traits from the domestic useful animals should be used two different type markings which is also serving as distinctive sign (e.g. plastic ear mark + special tattooing or implanted microchip e.t.c.). Description of these marks.


            10.2.Content of the information concerning the rearing of genetically modified aquatic vertebrate animals:


            In case of aquatic vertebrate animals necessary to use that kind of safety system which provides that the experimental animals or their gametes cannot get out of the closed system, neither through the water inlet- or the outlet channels nor in consequence of the damage of the tank. Description of the type and covering of the rearing tank:


11.       Information concerning the genetically modified useful animals and breeding animals in the Category 2. of the closed system


            If there is the possibility of the horizontal transmission of the modified DNA into other domestic animals or any wild animals, the permission must be issued for use of Category 2. Should be classified into this category some of the transgenic animals probably used as disease-model in the medical biology research (Among the existing laboratory experiments such is the polio-mouse used for testing the poliovirus vaccines, which could cause epidemic in case of its escaping.)


            11.1. Content of the information concerning the rearing genetically modified useful animals


            11.1.1. The information required at the Category 1. permissions.

            11.1.2. Other information (besides the data contained in the point 11.1.1. should be described the performance of the below conditions).

   The rearing of the animals can be performed only in entirely closed system. Stepping in and out into the closed system should be taken trough a sluice system which conforms to the international standards. Description of the corresponding measures.

   The closed system should be settled on area, which is controlled and assigned for this purpose, its documentation.

   The closed system (controlled area) should be maintained at an air pressure negative to atmosphere, its documentation.

   The safety equipment should be suitable for preventing the escape of the experimental animals and the entrance of unauthorized persons into the animal house, its documentation.

   All wastes, including the excreta of the animals and the used litter should be disinfected in autoclave or destroyed in refuse burner. Animal carcasses should be destroyed locally. Documentation of the execution possibilities of the concerning measures.

   Inside the closed system should be developed a double defence system for the isolation of the male and female animals, preventing the vertical transmission - by reproductive way - of the modified gene if it is not involved in the program. Documentation of this measure.


11.2. Content of the information concerning the rearing of genetically modified aquatic vertebrate animals:

            11.2.1. The information required at the Category 1. permissions.

            11.1.2. Other information (besides the data contained in the point 11.2.1. should be described the performance of the below conditions).

   Should be solved that in case of technical defect (tank defect, overflow) the escaped animals or their gametes will not be able to get into the outflow system of the building, its documentation.

   The closed system should be maintained at an air pressure negative to atmosphere, its documentation.

   The safety equipment should be suitable for preventing the getting in of unauthorized persons into the animal house, its documentation.



1.         If it is technically impossible to produce the information to be submitted together with the application, the applicant should be described its detailed reasons.

2.         The prescriptions and questions determined in this Annex should not be applied generally in case of all the applications. The recommended principle is that those requirements should be fulfilled and those questions should be answered in the certain applications which are applicable in the given case.

            The prescripted elaboration is also depending on the nature and size of the planned gene technology activity.



Annex 4

of the FVM regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.)


Information to be submitted together the applications for permission on release and commercial circulation




Information to be submitted together the applications for permission on release of the genetically modified micro-organisms



1.         General information


            1.1. Name, address, of the applicant (economic organization or institute):

            1.2. Names, graduation, practice period of the scientists responsible for the genetic modification and for the release of the genetically modified organism:

            1.3. Names, graduation and scientific degree of persons responsible for the planning and the execution (including especially the revision, monitoring, safety):

            1.4. The qualification of the experts participating in the genetic modification and in the release:

            1.5. Did the user previously get permission for the same gene technology activity?

            1.5.1. In which country?

            1.5.2. When?

            1.5.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:

            1.6. Did it occur previously that the application concerning the same gene technology activity was refused or the issued permission was withdrawn?

            1.6.1. In which country?

            1.6.2. When?

            1.6.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:


2.         Information concerning the genetically modified organism


            2.1. The donor, the recipient and the parental micro-organisms

            2.1.1. Scientific name:

            2.1.2. Classification (taxonomy):

            2.1.3. Other name:

            2.1.4. Phenotypic and genetic traits:

            2.1.5. Degree of relatedness between the donor and the recipient or the parental organisms:

            2.1.6. Description of the identification and isolation techniques, sensitivity and reliability of these techniques:

            2.1.7. Description of the geographical distribution and natural habitat of the micro-organisms:

            2.1.8 Occasional gene transfer or gene exchange with other organisms:

            2.1.9. Control/examination of the genetic stability of the micro-organism and the factors affecting it:

            2.1.10. Pathogenic, ecological and physiological traits:

   Risk assessment, with special interest to the human health and the environment:

   Reproduction/generation period in the natural ecosystems:

   Information on the survival, including the forming of survival structures (spores, sclerotia):

   Pathogenity: infectiousness, toxicity, virulency, allergic character, possible vector of pathogens, host range. Occasional activation of inactive viruses (proviruses), colonization of other micro-organisms:

   Antibiotic resistance, which influences the effectiveness of the antibiotics used for healing or preventing:

   Participation in environmental processes: production, nutrient circulation, and organic material decomposition:

            2.1.11. The nature of the inserted vector:

   Connected nucleotide sequences:

   Frequency of mobilization:

   Specific characteristics:

   Connected resistance genes:

            2.1.12. History of prior genetic modifications:


            2.2. Characteristics of the used vector/insertion

            2.2.1. Nature and source of the vector:

            2.2.2. Nucleotide sequences of the vectors/transposons which are inserted into the recipient organism during the genetic modification:

            2.2.3. Occasional change of the mobilizationability and/or inheredity of the used vector, the methods of the insertion into the recipient:

            2.2.4. Information on the interaction between the vector and the DNA necessary for the required genetic modification:

            2.3. Characteristics of the genetically modified organism

            2.3.1. Information concerning the genetic modification:

   Methods used during the genetic modification:

   The source of the genetic material to be inserted, and the method used for inserting it into the recipient:

   Description of the composition of the genetic material and/or vector to be inserted:

   The genetic material to be inserted is free from other, unknown recombinant nucleotide sequence and the information concerning the limited DNA necessary for reaching the required modification after the insertion:

   Functional characterization of the nucleotide sequence insertion, the effect of the gene exchange or gene substitution to other genes in the recipient.

            2.3.2. The information concerning the final character of the genetically modified micro-organisms:

   Description of the genetic traits or the phenotypic features, report on new trait and feature, probable or temporary changes:

   The structure and quantity of the vector and/or donor nucleic acid remained in the genetically modified micro-organism:

   Stability of the micro-organism according to the identification of the genotype:

   Proportion and level of the expression of the new genetic material, the method of its measurement, the sensibility of the measurement:

   The activity of the appearing proteins:

   Description of the identification and detection methods, including the identification and detection methods of the inserted nucleotide sequence and vector:

   The sensibility, reliability and specificity of the identification and detection methods:

   Description of the former use and release of the genetically modified micro-organism:

   Health considerations:

   Toxic or allergic effect of the non-viable genetically modified micro-organisms and/or their excreta:

   Hazard of the product:

   Comparison of the modified micro-organism and the donor, recipient or parental organism from the viewpoint of pathogenity:

   Possibility of the infection or transmission:

   If the micro-organism is pathogen to humans, immunologically hardly defendable:

   Description of the disease caused by the micro-organism, mechanism of the pathogenity, its expansion and viulency:

   The way of the transmittance:

   The infectious dose:

   The distribution of the host organisms:

   Possibility of change:

   Survival possibility outside the infected host organism:

   Presence of vectors or the method of the expansion: Biological stability:

   Antibiotic resistance pattern, the allergic effect:

   Availability of suitable healing therapies:


3.         Information concerning the release and the receiving environment:


            3.1. Information concerning the release of the organism

            3.1.1. Description of the suggested release, including its purpose and the probable originating product:

            3.1.2. The predictable date of the release and the planned period of the experiment, including the frequency and period of the releases:

            3.1.3. The preparation of the scene prior to the release:

            3.2.4. The size of the area used for the release:

            3.1.5. Methods should be used for the release:

            3.1.6. The quantity of the genetically modified micro-organisms to be released:

            3.1.7. The existing disturbing factors on the area used for the release:

            3.1.8. The labour-safety measurements should be kept during the release:

            3.1.9. Treatment of the used area following the release:

            3.1.10. Methods to be used for destruction or inactivation of genetically modified micro-organisms following the completion of the experiments:

            3.1.11. Results of the former releases of genetically modified micro-organisms, or the information related to these, so thus especially the experiences of experiments of different sizes executed in various ecosystems:


            3.2. Information concerning the environment (both the area of the release and the wider environment)


            3.2.1. The geographical site, map of the area (in case of the use of the part IV. of this Annex the area of the release is simultaneously the area of the probable usage):

            3.2.2. The physical or biological closeness to humans and other important living organisms:

            3.2.3. Closeness to important biotopes or natural- or protected natural areas:

            3.2.4. The size of the local human population:

            3.2.5. The economic activity of the local human population using the natural sources of the area:

            3.2.6. The distance form the areas protected because of drinking water bases and/or environmental purposes:

            3.2.7. Possibly changing climate traits of the area on releasing the genetically modified micro-organism:

            3.2.8. Geographical, geological and child-health traits:

            3.2.9. Flora and fauna, including the crop, the animal stock and the migrating species:

            3.2.10. Changing ecosystems probably targeted and non-targeted with the release of the genetically modified micro-organism:

            3.2.11. Comparison of the natural habitat of the recipient organism with the suggested area of the release:

            3.2.12. All kind of previously planned development and change in the area, which can influence the environmental effect of the release:

   List of the related species and races, which the released genetically modified organisms can get into interaction with.


4.         Information concerning the interaction of the genetically modified micro-organism and the environment


            4.1. Characteristics effecting the survival, reproduction and spreading:

            4.1.1. Biological features influencing the survival, reproduction and spreading:

            4.1.2. Known or expected environmental conditions, which can influence the survival, reproduction and spreading (wind, water, soil, temperature, pH value e.t.c.)

            4.1.3. Sensitivity to the different medium materials:

            4.2. Interaction with the environment

            4.2.1. Predicted habitat of the genetically modified micro-organisms:

            4.2.2. Study on the behaviour and characteristics of the genetically modified micro-organisms, or the survey on the ecological impact of the organisms in simulated natural environment, thus in microcosmos, plant growing room, plant house:

            4.2.3. Gene transfer capacity:

   Gene transfer of genetically modified micro-organisms into other organisms in the ecosystem changed following the release:

   Gene transfer of native organisms into genetically modified micro-organisms following the release:

            4.2.4. Possibility of selection of unexpected and/or undesired traits in the genetically modified micro-organisms following the release:

            4.2.5. Methods used for demonstration, verification of genetic stability. Description of genetic characteristics, which inhibit the segregation. Methods providing genetic stability:

            4.2.6. Ways of biological dispersal, known or possible ways of the interaction with the mediating agent, including the cases of inhalation, swallowing, surface contact and digging into the soil:

            4.2.7. Description of those ecosystems, in which the genetically modified organisms can spread:

            4.3. Possible environmental effect:

            4.3.1. Possibility of the overpopulation in the environment:

            4.3.2. The competitive advance of the genetically modified micro-organisms against the non-modified recipient or parental organisms:

            4.3.3. Identification and description of target organisms:

            4.3.4. Expected function and result of the interaction between the released genetically modified micro-organisms and the target organism.

            4.3.5. Identification and description of non-targeted organisms, which can accidentally effect:

            4.3.6. Possibility of changes following the release in the biological interactions or on the distribution area of the phage carrier:

            4.3.7. Known or predictable effects on the non-targeted organisms in the environment through the food chain, in symbiotic connections or in parasitic condition:

            4.3.8. Known or predictable participation in biogeographical processes:

            4.3.9. Other predictable important interactions with the nature:

            4.3.10. Examination of the possibility of niche re-organization: [In every living communities the actual populations of occurring species are filling up certain places more or less steadily, namely the present living entities are dividing the available place and sources (niche pattern). A steady niche pattern can change if the individuals of a new species can steadily fill up certain places. The genetically modified organisms can get into certain living communities and can change the patterns developed in them; namely it can occur a niche re-organization. Because of this should be examined in relation the released genetically modified organism, that which kind of natural living community this organism can get in relationship with, and how far can it change the developed pattern.]


5.         Information concerning the monitoring, controlling, waste treatment and the emergency plan


            5.1. Monitoring techniques

            5.1.1. Methods used for monitoring the genetically modified micro-organisms and their effects:

            5.1.2. Selectivity (to identify the genetically modified organisms and to distinguish them from the donor-, recipient- and parental organisms), sensibility and reliability of the monitoring methods:

            5.1.3. Techniques serving for the isolation of forwarding the inserted genetic material into other organisms:

            5.1.4. The period and frequency of the monitoring:

            5.2. Control of the release

            5.2.1. Procedures and methods for preventing and/or reducing the spreading of the genetically modified micro-organisms outside the release area or the area assigned for usage:

            5.2.2. Procedures and methods used for keeping away the unauthorized persons from the release and usage area of the genetically modified micro-organisms:

            5.2.3. Procedures and methods for preventing other organisms from getting into the release and usage area of the genetically modified micro-organisms:

            5.3. Waste treatment

            5.3.1. Nomination and hazard level of the produced wastes

            5.3.2. Probable amount of the wastes:

            5.3.3. Possible environment protection and environment health hazards:

            5.3.4. Description of the planned waste treatment:

            5.4. Emergency plans

            5.4.1. Procedures and methods used for controlling the unexpected spreading of the genetically modified organisms:

            5.4.2. Methods to be used for the decontamination, cleaning of emergency areas (for the elimination of the of the genetically modified micro-organisms):

            5.4.3. Methods to be used for elimination or sanitary cleaning of plants, animals, soil, objects contaminated during or following the expansion of the genetically modified micro-organisms:

            5.4.4. Methods to be used for the isolation of area affected by the expansion of the genetically modified organisms:

            5.4.5. Plans for the protection of human health and environment in case of appearance of undesired impact:


            Note: If it is technically impossible to produce the information to be submitted together with the application, the applicant should be described its detailed reasons.





Information to be submitted together the applications for permission on release of the genetically modified higher plants (gymnospermae and angiospermae)



1.         General information


            1.1. Name and address of the applicant (economic organization or institute):

            1.2. Names, graduation, practice period of the scientists responsible for the release:

            1.3. The title of the project:

            1.4. Did the user previously get permission for the same gene technology activity?

            1.4.1. In which country?

            1.4.2. When?

            1.4.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:

            1.5. Did it occur previously that the application concerning the same gene technology activity was refused or the issued permission was withdrawn?

            1.5.1. In which country?

            1.5.2. When?

            1.5.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:


2.         Information concerning the recipient organism or (where necessary) the parental organism

            2.1. Whole name:

            2.1.1. Family name:

            2.1.2. Genus:

            2.1.3. Species:

            2.1.4. Subspecies:

            2.1.5. Cultivar:

            2.1.6. Common name:


3.         Information concerning the reproduction

            3.1. Methods of reproduction:

            3.2. Specific factors affecting the reproduction, if there is any:

            3.3. The period of the reproductive cycle:

            3.4. Ability of cross-pollinating with individuals of other cultured or wild plant species:


4.         Survival ability


            4.1. Ability to produce structures necessary for the survival or the standstill:

            4.2. Specific factors affecting the survival capacity, if there is any:


5.         Dispersion, spreading


            5.1. Methods and dimension of the dispersion:

            5.2. Specific factors affecting the dispersion, if there is any:

            5.3. Geographical distribution of the plant:

            5.4. If the plant is not present in the nature, the description of the natural habitat of the plant, including the information concerning the predators, parasites, competitors and symbionts:

            5.5. Probably occurring important interactions of the plant with non-plant organisms in such ecosystems where the plant generally/normally is presented, including the information concerning the traits of the toxicity to other organisms:


6.         Information concerning the genetic modification


            6.1. Description of the methods used for genetic modification:

            6.2. Nature and source of the used vector:

            6.3. Size, source (names of donor organisms) and planned function of every important part of the area/region which is planned for the use the genetically modified plant:


7.         Information concerning the genetically modified organism


            7.1. Description of the newly created or modified traits and features:

            7.2. Information concerning the inserted or deleted sequences:

            7.2.1. Size and structure of the part inserted by the genetic modification, and the methods used for the characterization of this part, including the information concerning any part of the vector inserted into the genetically modified higher plant or any mediating agent remained in the genetically modified higher plant, and the foreign DNA:

            7.2.2. In case of deletion, the size and function of the deleted part:

            7.2.3. Position of the inserted part in the plant cells (settled in chromosome, chloroplast, mithocondry, or stayed up without settled in), and the methods used for its direction:

            7.2.4. Number of copies of the inserted part:

            7.3. Information concerning the appearance of the inserted part:

            7.3.1. Information concerning the appearance of the inserted part, and the methods used for the characterization of the part:

            7.3.2. Information concerning those parts of the plant, in which the inserted part appears (root system, stem, leaves, pollen, other parts):

            7.4. Information concerning that the genetically modified plant how far differs from the recipient plant:

            7.4.1. in the method and/or the rate of the reproduction:

            7.4.2. in the spreading:

   the survival capacity:

            7.5. Genetic stability of the inserted part:

            7.6. Possibility of forwarding the genetic material from the genetically modified plant into other organism:

            7.7. Information concerning the materials toxic to the human health or to the environment and the harmful effects which are originating from or caused by the genetic modification:

            7.8. The functioning of the interaction between the genetically modified plant and the target organisms (if measurable):

            7.9. Probably happening important interactions with non-targeted organisms:

            7.10. Description of techniques used for the isolation and identification of the genetically modified plant:

            7.11. Information concerning the former release of the genetically modified plant into the environment:


8.         Information concerning the place of the release*


            8.1. Geographical position and size of the release area:

            8.2. Description of the ecosystem of the release area, including the climate, the flora and fauna:

            8.3. Presence of wild and cultivated related plants able to cross-pollinating with the genetically modified plant:

            8.4. Closeness to officially registered biotopes or protected areas:

            8.5. Information concerning the release

            8.5.1. The purpose of the release:

            8.5.2. The predictable date and period:

            8.5.3. Method of release of the genetically modified plant:

            8.5.4. Methods used for the preparation and maintenance/treatment of the release area before, during and following the release, including the cultivation practice and harvesting methods:

            8.5.5. The number of plants approximately (or determined in plants/sq. metre):



9.         Plans concerning the control, the monitoring, the situation following the release, and the waste treatment*


            9.1. Preventive measures taken:

            9.1.1. Distance from cross-pollinating plant species:

            9.1.2. Measurements which preventing or decreasing to the lowest level the dispersal of pollen or seeds:

            9.2. Description of methods to be used for the treatment of the area following the release:

            9.3. Description of methods to be used for the treatment of the genetically modified plant material following the release, including the wastes:

            9.4. Description of monitoring plans and techniques:

            9.5. Emergency plans:


10.       Possible effect of the release of genetically modified plants to the environment


            10.1. Possibility of that the genetically modified higher plants will be more resistant on the cultivated areas, or will have much higher reproductivity on the natural habitats than the recipient or parental plants.

            10.2. Improvement advance or disadvantage given to other plant species able to cross-pollinate, which is derived from forwarding the gene originating from the genetically modified plant.

            10.3. Possible important impact of the interaction between the genetically modified plant and the target organism (if measurable):

            10.4. Examination of the possibility of niche re-organization: [In every living communities the actual populations of occurring species are filling up certain places more or less steadily, namely the present living entities are dividing the available place and sources (niche pattern). A steady niche pattern can change if the individuals of a new species can steadily fill up certain places. The genetically modified organisms can get into certain living communities and can change the patterns developed in them; namely it can occur a niche re-organization. Because of this should be examined in relation the released genetically modified organism, that which kind of natural living community this organism can get in relationship with, and how far can it change the developed pattern.]

            10.5. Possible environmental effects originating from interactions with non-targeted organisms.



1.         It is possible to enclose the answers concerning the line examination determined in the part marked with * later, if the necessary data (sowing area, information concerning the methods to be used for the release) are not available on the day of the submission.

2.         If it is technically impossible to produce the information to be submitted together with the application, the applicant should be described its detailed reasons.



(FARM ANIMALS AND breeding animals)


Information to be submitted together with the application for permission on release and commercial circulation*, transportation, exporting and importing of genetically modified animals


1.         General information


            1.1. Did the user previously get permission for the same gene technology activity?

            1.1.1. In which country?

            1.1.2. When?

            1.1.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:

            1.2. Did it occur previously that the application concerning the same gene technology activity was refused or the issued permission was withdrawn?

            1.2.1. In which country?

            1.2.2. When?

            1.2.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:


2.         Those individuals - registered and marked according to the prescriptions - are considered as registered genetically modified animals, of which the method of production, the modified gene and the structure of the vector used for the modification is known. Besides, it is certified that there was not possible to reveal health damage or fertility reduction in the offspring, during the two-generation breeding. Description of these facts:


3.         The same legal and health rules are also apply to the release, transportation, circulation, exporting and importing of registered, genetically modified farm animals as in case of other laboratory or farm animal of the same category. Documentation on keeping these requirements:


4.         In case of those genetically modified farm animals, where the genetically modified farm animal or its product is used as food, should be certified, that the animal product cannot cause health damage to the consumer (e.g. genetically modified farm animals of disease resistant, reduced stress sensitivity, improved muscularity). Other permissions should be obtained  - according to other acts - for the genetically modified animals produced or marketed in order to use as food. Products of genetically modified animal origin, which intended for animal consumption, should be considered as they were intended for human consumption. The concerned certification and enclosed the copies of the permissions:


5.         In case of the domestic marketing of genetically modified farm animals which are producing protein applicable in medicine (e.g. VIII. and IX. blood coagulation factors, alpha1-antitrypsine, albumin produced in the milk of genetically modified sheep and cattle), the collection of the permissions concerning the medicines and products of healing power and the keeping of the concerning prescriptions is obligatory.



1.         *In case of commercial circulation should be enclosed the data specified in the chapter "IV. Putting into market" of this Annex.

2.         If it is technically impossible to produce the information to be submitted together with the application, the applicant should be described its detailed reasons.




Additional information to be submitted together with the application for permission on commercial circulation



1.         General information


            1.1. Did the user previously get permission for the same gene technology activity?

            1.1.1. In which country?

            1.1.2. When?

            1.1.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:

            1.2. Did it occur previously that the application concerning the same gene technology activity was refused or the issued permission was withdrawn?

            1.2.1. In which country?

            1.2.2. When?

            1.2.3. Name of the competent authority, number of the decision:


2.         In case of commercial circulation - in addition to the information specified in the chapters "II. Plants" and "III. Animals" - the below information should be submitted for the authority


            2.1. Name of the product and the name of the contained genetically modified organisms.

            2.2. Name and Hungarian address of the producer or distributor (in case of agency or branch office the address of the agency or the branch office).

            2.2.1. Domestic Producer:

            2.2.2. Importer:

   In case of import

   Name of the producer:

   Address of the producer:

            2.3. Specification of the product

            2.3.1. Characterization of the genetically modified organism contained by the product (name and nature of each genetically modified organisms contained by the product):

            2.3.2. General description of the product:

   Type of the product:

   Composition of the product:

   Specificity of the product:

   Types of the users:

   Exact using and handling circumstances:

   Geographical area where the product can be used:

   Type of the environment where the product can be used:

   Expected field of the usage: industry, agriculture, commerce, public consumption:


3.         The below information should be submitted to the authority in addition to the information specified in point 2.

            3.1. Measures to be done in case of non-intended release or mistaken use:

            3.2. Special prescriptions and suggestions for storing and handling:

            3.3. The estimated quantity of the domestic production or the volume of the expected import:

            3.4. Was the composition of the product containing genetically modified organism reported for experimental use in the European Union or outside that:

            3.4.1. If yes, give the name of the country and the registration number:

            3.4.2. If not, refer to the risk assessment information:

            3.5. Inform about the release of the product specified in the point 3.4. or about the release of same composition genetically modified organism which was earlier or simultaneously reported by the user in the European Union or outside that:

            3.6. Information on the deposition and treatment of the wastes connected to the product:



1.         The prescriptions and questions determined in this Annex not to be applied generally in case of all application. The principle to be followed is, that should be fulfilled only those prescriptions or answer those questions in the certain applications, which are valid in the given case.

2.         The prescripted elaboration is also depending on the nature and dimension of the planned gene technology activity.

3.         The "I. Micro-organism" part of the Annex is concerning the release of all other kind of genetically modified organisms except the higher plants. The "II. Plants" of the Annex is concerning the release of the genetically modified higher plants.

4.         In the application of this regulation, the plants belonging to the Gymnospermae and Angiospermae taxonomic groups are qualified as higher plants.

5.         If it is technically impossible to produce the information to be submitted together with the application, the applicant should be described its detailed reasons.

Annex 5

of the FVM regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.)


The list of the official centres authorized for determining the gene technology origin


1.         Micro-organism, seed, vegetative plant reproduction material, raw feed


            Agricultural Biotechnology Center

            2100 Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 4.

            Postal address: 2101 Gödöllő, P.O.Box 411


2.         Micro-organism, meat industry product, animal


            National Animal Health Institute

            1149 Budapest, Tábornok u. 2.

            Postal address: 1581 Budapest, P.O.Box 2


3.         Meat industry product, product of plant origin


            National Fodor József Public Health Centre

            National Institute of Feeding- and Nutrition Sciences

            1097 Budapest, Gyáli út 3/A

            Postal address: 1476 Budapest 100, P.O.Box 52


Annex 6

of the FVM regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.)


Gene technology marking



1.         Text and figure to be indicated in case of the Article 15 paragraph (1) of the regulation:


"Contains gene technologically produced component"



The first fourth part of the DNA chain is of national colours (red-white-green).


2.         Text and figure to be indicated in case of the Article 15 paragraph (1) of the regulation:


"Produced using gene technology method, but do not contain gene technologically produced component"



The last fourth part of the DNA chain and the triangle is of green colour.


Annex 7

of the FVM regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.)


Information necessary for the determination of the transportability



1.         Information specified in the Annexes 3 and 4 of the regulation:


2.         Havaria-plan [Havaria is an unexpected, of important effect, non intended event, resulted by the human activity, which endangers the human health or the environment. The institution performing genetic modification or gene technology activity should be prepared for the averting of these kind of unexpected events. The concerning measures altogether are the havaria-plan, which must be adjusted to the specific activity of the institution and must contain itemized all of the important elements necessary for the averting of the happened event (e.g. evacuation of the infected area, decontamination of the infected area, treatment of the prompt health damages etc.)]:


3.         If the genetically modified organisms or the products made from them are coming under the ruling of the regulations on the transportation of dangerous products (ADR, RID, ADN etc.):


a)         UN number and name of the material to be transported according to the concerning regulations;

b)         class, serial number and name of the material to be transported according to the concerning regulations;

c)         written order necessary for the adequate transportation of the material to be transported, if it is prescripted by the concerning regulations.


Annex 8

of the FVM regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.)


Fee of the data supply


In case of print of A/4 format the fee is 40 HUF/page.


In case of print of A/3 format the fee is 80 HUF/page.